Most interesting terms from fashion shows. Do you know what they mean?

Most interesting terms from fashion shows. Do you know what they mean?
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The world of fashion – intrigues, attracts, and yet for most remains inaccessible. Like any industry, it is governed by its own laws and has its own specific language. It is time to take a closer look at it

Understanding certain mechanisms related to fashion is not possible without learning the terms characteristic for this industry. To see what this fascinating reality looks like up close, it is worth following events such as Fashion Weeks, which are considered the biggest celebration of fashion lovers. Key during each such event are, of course, fashion shows. Today we go behind the scenes to learn more. We present a list of the most interesting slogans straight from the world’s catwalks.

Booker – is a model agent. His task is to help with the selection and later receipt of orders, organize the schedule of his charges and watch over their remuneration.

Casting director – casting directors are in charge of selecting models for shows based on designers’ recommendations and providing advice in this regard. They prepare castings and fittings and negotiate conditions of engagement of women. In their work they mediate between fashion houses and modeling agencies

Camp-cards – this is a set of data that a model participating in a casting should have with her. They include measurements, height, some photos from the portfolio and the name of the agency you belong to.

Go-see – a variety of casting, during which models are checked “in action”. They walk and pose under the watchful eyes of casting directors, designers or important fashion editors so that they can watch them and then choose the best candidates.

Call sheet – this is a very useful document that contains key information about fashion week events, such as locations, schedule by hours, and contact information for the show team. It is also used for standard photo shoots.

Call time – this is a set time for which the models involved in the fashion show should show up. As you can guess, the meeting takes place a few hours before the scheduled event.

First-face – refers to the model who is the first to walk out on the catwalk, thus opening the entire show. No need to mention how coveted this role is. It influences the popularity and take-up of such a person.

Frow – is short for “front-row”, which means the first row in the audience during the show. It seats the most important guests – magazine editors and famous celebrities. It is the most prestigious place.

Buyer – is one of the most important people watching the show from the “frow”. He predicts which projects will be the most popular in a given season and has an influence on what will be on store shelves.

Dresser – an assistant who makes sure that the show runs smoothly. In fact, there is a whole group of people appointed for this, who, among other things, help models with a quick change of styling, so that they are ready to go on the catwalk.

Periscoping – is a phenomenon closely related to the modern reception of fashion. It means watching the show via a smartphone. It applies both to people recording the show and those who are obscured from view by these devices.

Pop-up store – a type of store that brands open temporarily, for example during fashion week, to attract additional attention of potential customers.

Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

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